Good question.

The idea for this web site evolved out of the enigma of my personality and its intricacies, with one foot firmly planted in the arts, as the sassy Jazz singer, Deborah E (aka Lady D) and the responsibilities that I experience as a technologist specializing in SEC-Compliant technology in the hectic financial industry.

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For a long time, these two aspects of my personality did not seem to be related until I realized that is the heart of the socially-minded Jazz singer the propels the mind of the Chief Technology Officer to use the science of technology in a way that not only is socially-aware but also accountable in the grand scheme of things.

You see, there are so many ways that technology could be used irresponsibly, inefficiently, and, the worst of all, covertly, to cover-up a financial scam (i.e. think “Madoff”).

Do we need more people and companies ruined financially? What is our responsibility, as consumers? Do we simply hide our head in the sand and say, “the other guy did it?” Are there ways for us, as consumers, to protect ourselves from another potential loss? Are there ways that we, as technologists can be more responsible in the use of technology so that we are not leading the unknowing clients to their financial ruin?

On this site, I will share some technology insights for the consumer, as well as the technologist. I will also include guest articles on related subjects.

Let’s spend less time complaining, and more time learning how to make this world a better place. This corner? The corner on socially responsible technology.

-Deborah Anderson

Many times, when thinking about health issues for men, things like prostate cancer come to mind, as well as a healthy lifestyle that includes hanging out in the local gym and building up the visible signs of a well-built masculine physique.

There is more to health than what meets the eye and it is not just about healthy eating and healthy exercise. Sometimes a deeper look is needed, beneath the hood.

Effective Functioning and Performance

Many times people associate testosterone, or a lack of testosterone, with erectile dysfunction, but this is a very limited view into the overall health of the male population. There is so much more to the testosterone hormone than only one function.

Even the macho muscle building that is associated with male health needs the testosterone hormone to properly function in the male body. Other things like fatigue, weakness, and overall “not feeling well” are associated with low levels of testosterone. Mayo Clinic describes it well by calling the proper management of testosterone levels as the key to “male vitality.”

Symptoms of Low Testosterone

There are many symptoms of low testosterone and while the symptom list is not the diagnosis itself, it can provide a basis for seeking tests to confirm the suspicion. CBS News provides a pictorial view into the symptoms in their article, “11 Warning Signs of Low Testosterone.” In addition to the symptoms, there are concerns for resulting conditions such as the potential for the onset of diabetes, osteoporosis, and heart disease.

Similar to the advice given to women to be checked regularly for breast cancer, in the same way, it is helpful and advantageous for men to have their testosterone levels checked. While there have been controversial approaches to the use of testosterone supplements, the diagnosis itself will help to alleviate much of the pressure of identifying of that is a possibility for the symptoms.

How to Balance the Testosterone Levels

The best way to address an issue of low testosterone levels is to enter into testosterone therapy with a medical professional. While it may be tempting to try to obtain the hormone and administer it oneself, it is healthier (and safer!) to ensure that you are well educated and have sought out the proper medical advice to do it properly.  By using a quality testosterone therapy, the road to vitality may be closer than originally imagined and improved health may become a reality.

Note: Deborah was hired to ghostwrite this article. Ghostwriting is where one person writes the article for-hire for another person to publish and attach whatever name they want to it. If the published article ever disappears, it is fair game for Deborah to publish said article on this blog since it was forfeited by the customer as a result of the unpublishing action.

This article was originally published on The Epoch Times.

The cost of doing business can be daunting, especially in high-cost metropolitan areas like Los Angeles and New York. The idea of owning one’s own building (versus rent) sounds appealing until the receipt of the property tax bill. Fortunately, there are options for doing business in a successful manner that is the least detrimental to the business pocketbook.

The Need

The cost of doing business is not going down. It can be mitigated, with the creative approach, but inflation is likely to rear its head again, in spite of the fact that, in places like the United States, the economy has been doing better over the past few months. Even in times of economic improvement, increasing the profit margin is a desirable outcome.

A few decades ago, the cost of commuting was not as high as it is now and there was not the convenience of using the internet to get work done. The only real option was to go into the office. Now, with many more options, come many more opportunities to cut costs.

Creative Thinking

Any time there is a need to cut costs without cutting services, the use of creative thinking comes in handy. The same goes for identifying that economical office space or approach to using office space effectively.

The changes in American and global culture have also affected the approach to these solutions. While, in the past, there were the cubicle farms, now, even the attorneys are thinking about the “open space” mentality in office design, as detailed in this article, “Lawyers Without Offices.” It would seem that if attorneys can do it, many other professions could, as well.

Some Options

One common solution to the need to save money on office space and office rent is to become a virtual company or to have some virtual employees that work from their home office. This is becoming more and more common since it appeals to the employee who does not want to pay the rising cost of commuting and to the company who can save money by not having to raise salaries to accommodate that high cost. Even Mashable gets in on the conversation and provides tips on how a person can “score a job at a virtual company.”

Sometimes a combination approach with the virtual employees is to incorporate a lower-cost rental option that an executive suite offers. Often times, these “rentals” come with a fully functional office (including conference room and multi-media solutions), as well as office staff. The beauty of the arrangement is that the landlord, handling all of the staffing and human resources needs, employs the office staff and the payment for the services is like a part-time staff person expense, but with qualified personnel. This is an ideal solution for a start-up that is new and does not yet have virtual administrative staff, but needs a visible office immediately.

Another option that has been around longer than the virtual company, and even before the internet, is utilizing mobile offices. These have been used, for years, at construction sites and schools, as portable offices and portable classrooms. While the outside may appear somewhat portable, the inside can be decorated to be quite modern, leaving it hard to tell that it hasn’t been set on a permanent foundation for years.

There are many conveniences to mobile offices, including being able to move them from location to location (as in the case of construction sites) and being able to use them for a set period of time (the appeal for schools). In the case of a business, especially when the business is a start-up and the measurement of long-term success (or how much success) has not been determined, this is an ideal way to “set up shop” without a permanent commitment to the purchase of a building or the high cost of rent. Granted, it is not likely that this would be a solution that can be used in downtown Los Angeles, but it would be quite appealing in an appropriate suburb.

There are many options available and likely, it is the combination that will yield the most success in long-term business objectives and cost-saving efforts. Possibly, a combination of the rental of an Executive Suite, the use of virtual employees, and the mobile office is the solution that would be right for the next Fortunate 100 Company in the making.

Note: Deborah was hired to ghostwrite this article. Ghostwriting is where one person writes the article for-hire for another person to publish and attach whatever name they want to it. If the published article ever disappears, it is fair game for Deborah to publish said article on this blog since it was forfeited by the customer as a result of the unpublishing action.

This article was originally published on The Epoch Times.

In my experience as Director of Information Technology in the financial industry, I have had plenty of opportunities working with the Microsoft Exchange Server. I have recovered the Exchange Server in times when even Microsoft has said that it was impossible. I have come to have a love affair with Exchange and all of the wonderful features that are available with the Microsoft product.

I am also a small business co-owner and setting up an Exchange Server in a small business environment simply isn't practical, is it? Along comes the Microsoft Office 365 from GoDaddy solution. And, what a solution it is! It is an Exchange back-end with an easy-to-use front end. What makes it even better is that it is offered by GoDaddy! You see, before I entered Corporate America, I ran a hosting and domain registration service. When we decided to close up shop on that business, we moved our clients to GoDaddy and they lived happily ever after with the GoDaddy service. We, ourselves, also use GoDaddy services, and have for over a decade, and have no complaints.

So, you see, it was a perfect marriage, with GoDaddy backing the Office 365 product.

GoDaddy Office 365 Step-By-Step

Are you a small business owner? Get everything you need to run your business anytime, anywhere. With Microsoft Office 365 from GoDaddy there’s no easier way for your small business to stay connected and get more done.

Note: The following rafflecopter says that it closes at midnight on June 30th, but it actually closes at 3p EDT on June 30th.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

In a small business, there are three things that are essential to your success:

  1. Proper Planning
  2. Web Site
  3. Reliable Email

GoDaddy Has the Web Site Covered

GoDaddy can help you with all three of these objectives! Not only does GoDaddy offer the Office 365 product, but also the domain registration and awesome hosting. We have a dedicated server with GoDaddy and have for many years. It meets and exceeds our needs and GoDaddy customer service compares to none. Some of the features that I love the most about GoDaddy's Office 365 are email, collaboration, and online meeting solutions. In my role in project management, this collaboration is essential. Without it, there is no visibility on where we are at with our small business projects.

Online Meeting Collaboration

There are many options with the Office 365 product, but one of them is the online meeting solution and using the collaboration of OneDrive. Some of you have used DropBox, and this is a similar solution, being able to meet with your team and edit a document in real time.

Anywhere, Anytime Access

The ability to access GoDaddy's Office 365 web app any time, from any place, adds so much flexibility to the small business experience. And, it works well with my existing apps like Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.  There is no limi with this 24 hr access.  Check out the Always Open Small Business infographic by GoDaddy.

GoDaddy Office 365 Features

Easy to Use

While it is true that I am a tech geek, I can sit back and relax while using GoDaddy's Office 365. It really is that easy. No technical knowledge required to use it. For me, that means I can spend my time on my needed small business projects. My technical expertise is not used for non-profit-generating tasks like email server maintenance, but rather, on projects that generate cash. GoDaddy's Office 365 takes care of my email needs so I don't have to do it!


With the use of Office 365, you can collaborate with your small business employees and even collaborate with your virtual employees or others outside your organization. An example is working on the same document at the same time.

Design as Only GoDaddy Can Produce

GoDaddy, with their excellent customer service (We can attest to that!), provides support and has set up the interface to be specifically geared to small business and those businesses that might not have an IT department. It is an easy step-by-step process and GoDaddy is there if you have any questions.

Contest to Win One Year service, Free!

Are you a small business owner? Leave a comment letting me know how Office 365 can help you better manage your business! Ok, now that I have shared some of the ways that Office 365 has helped us in our business, tell me, what features are you most excited to use? Remember, you can share your comment below for a chance to win one year free! (Be sure to tell us, in the Rafflecopter app, above, that you left a comment.. that is your chance to win one year of Office 365!)

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of GoDaddy. All opinions are 100% mine.

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