This book is like a breath of fresh air. Something that we have needed to hear for a long time now. Something that almost seems so obvious that we scratch our heads and wonder why we didn’t implement it sooner. However, don’t confuse this with simplicity of thought. The author, Dr. T. William Hefferan, has not only put a lot of research into the basis of this book, but his experience, and genius-level observation skills have made this book a “must-read” for the business world, whether you are on an employee or a hiring authority.
Building Blocks: EMBER
Dr. Hefferan provides building blocks, which he calls EMBERs (Establish a Mutually Beneficial and rewarding Employment Rrelationship). Through these building blocks, he teaches us how to bridge that gap between employer and employee and understand the differences in wants and needs of each group and how those needs may be met in this mutually-beneficial manner, resulting in a productive, profitable work environment made up of more content, fulfilled employees.
Ethics and Integrity
Dr. Hefferan also addresses the ethics of this process that he presents. The ethics piece particularly appeals to me, as a Chief Technology officer who places a high price on ethics and integrity. With the approach that this author presents, the ethics fits in and integrity is maintained, almost effortlessly, since the system focuses on what is beneficial to the company and to the employee and is not dependent on corruption to enhance the profitability of the company.
About the Book: Jobs and unemployment concerns are definitely some of the biggest issues facing the United States at this time. If you would like more information about JOBS, by Dr Hefferan, or about his organization, Wisdom in the Streets, please visit his website Order your copy of JOBS, How the United States Can Reach Long-Term Full Employment today:
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Independent Process
Dr. Hefferan points out, very early in the book, that this system is not dependent on the government, or White House approval, but rather, can be implemented without that piece, and yet, at the same time, work hand-in-hand with the programs that are already in place.
This book serves as an excellent refresher course for seasoned managers looking to enhance their company environment to attract higher quality employees who seek to be a part of a forward-moving company, specifically, the team. It serves as an excellent reminder of those precepts that we may have been more in tune with, years ago, and helps us align our business objectives and goals to a process that will help us meet those goals and enrich our companies and our lives, and the lives of our employees and clients, and other stakeholders.
[singlepic id=25 w=114 h=120 float=left] About Dr. Hefferan: With over 23 years of experience as President/CEO of a 100 employee company, Dr. Hefferan decided to put his corporate work experience together with his academic background and solve one of our most significant societal problems. His unique approach to explore ways to end the persistent ups and downs of unemployment includes a peer reviewed research study he designed specifically to discover ways to solve the problem.
Dr. Hefferan shares with readers his life-changing event that compelled him to dedicate over three years of his life to find these sound solutions, creating a blueprint for America to reach long-term full employment.
A key group of people who would particularly benefit from studying this book would be the high school age group and the college students. By reading this book as a high school student, it starts the process of understanding how a successful company could be run and gives the high schooler an idea of what he or she may be looking for, in an employer, as far as fulfilling job, no matter what that job is. With this knowledge in mind, and the book in hand, the high school student graduates and goes on to college or the work force and has information which he or she may share with fellow students or workers. In the college environment, it would serve as an excellent catalyst for further study and research and possible case study scenarios.
Hope For The Future
Dr. Hefferan offers us hope, as business owners, stockholders, employers, and employees, in a system that could work, in reaching that long-term full employment in the United States. He not only offers us hope, but he gives us the building blocks and stepping stones, to take our first step toward that goal, our hearts full of that hope and our minds full of strategies that have been tested and found to be successful.